Applying Self Storage Unit Numbers to Your Storage Building

Applying vinyl self storage numbers is fast and easy.  They are pre-spaced which not only adds to the simplicity of application, but insures that the space between the unit number digits is appropriate.  Choose a warm, dry day.  If there is dew or misting rain on the storage building steel, this won’t work well.  If it below 55 degrees (F), work on the sunny side of the storage building.   Follow these simple instructions.

1 Clean the Area for the Unit Number

Use ordinary rubbing alcohol on a soft cloth or paper towel to clean any oil or dirt off your storage building before applying the number.  Alcohol only takes a few seconds to dry.

Clean before applying the number

2 Remove the Release Liner

Peeling the release liner off the number

First, check to be sure you have the correct number for the storage unit! 

Flip the number on it’s face so you see the backing.  Hold the tape down while curling the paper back up revealing the number.

3 Apply the Unit Number to Your Storage Building

For the first few numbers you may want to measure exactly where you want the number.  It may be good to draw a light pencil line along with a center line.  Most owners put the unit numbers above the doors.  After a few numbers and a few minutes you might decide it is so simple that you can ‘eyeball’ the placement.

Applying a self storage number

4 Squeegee the Number in Place

Squeegee the number

Your goal is to get the unit number adhesive in good contact with the storage building steel.  You can use an old credit card, a plastic scraper or even your thumb.  Use reasonable pressure.  Attempt to work most of the air bubbles out from under the numbers.  Any air bubbles remaining will begin to disappear over the next few days.

5 Pull the Tape Off the Top of the Unit Number

Working from a corner, slowly pull the tape up and away from the number.  The adhesive on the number has far more tack that the adhesive on the tape, so the number stays in place.  The result is a storage unit number that looks like it was printed onto your building.

Remove the tape

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